Locked Liquidity - 77%
Founding Team - 8%
Additional LP / Reward - 15%
Buy Tax - 6%
Sale Tax - 6%
Transfer Tax - 0%
Token Supply
Initial Supply - 100,000,000
Burned Supply - 0.0% ()
Circulating Supply -
Our ecosystem begins with the collection of taxes from transactions involving $NFAi tokens. These funds form an investment pool utilized by our neural network to engage in cryptocurrency trading across various decentralized exchanges. Imagine it as a war chest supporting our three trading algorithms: Athena Alpha, Athena Beta, and Athena Gamma. As each algorithm seeks yield, profits are gathered in ETH and USDC, and subsequently channeled into a profit pool governed by $NFAi token holders.
During the initial development phase, all profits will be allocated towards the buyback and burning of $NFAi tokens. In phase 3, the distribution of profits will be determined by NFAi token holders through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Each token will grant voting rights, enabling holders to participate in decision-making regarding profit distribution. A portion may be dedicated to continuing buybacks and burns, while another portion could be distributed to $NFAi token holders in ETH and USDC.
The staking component of our ecosystem will facilitate profit distribution. Users will have the ability to stake their assets against any of the Athena trading strategies (Alpha, Beta, or Gamma). Staking will be flexible, allowing users to freely unstake their assets according to their preferences. Staking can be done using NFAi tokens or the NFAi/ETH Liquidity Pair. We will incentivize the NFAI/ETH LP pool by offering greater rewards to those who stake LP tokens, thereby increasing liquidity and trading volume for the token.
In addition to Athena, our Canis and Hecate platforms will serve as a hedge and provide $NFAi holders with a source of yield that is largely independent of token price fluctuations, presenting significant opportunities for additional rewards. These rewards will also be distributed through our staking protocol, with more details becoming available as we approach phase 3 of our development.