
We are advancing Defi through AI-trading using neural networks, a lending protocol for Shibarium, and definsurance for the masses.
The backbone of our ecosystem made up Athena Alpha, Athena and Athena Beta.AthenaGPT
Introducing Athena Alpha and Athena Beta, o our pioneering algorithms that combine quantitative and qualitative trading strategies, optimizing trading decisions and enhancing ecosystem flow.
Athena Alpha powered by a neural network, focuses on index-based trading. Through live tests, it utilizes approximately 29 tokens, aiming to deliver consistent yield profiles. With a 70-76% win ratio and a Sharpe ratio of 2.4 to 2.9, Athena Alpha showcases its moderate leverage strategy and reliable decision-making capabilities.
Athena Beta acts as our test environment for future algorithm development. While detailed methodology will be revealed later, it draws inspiration from academic papers. Our commitment is to continually expand and refine our algorithm repository, bolstering the hedging capabilities of the NFAI ecosystem.
By combining the strengths of Athena Alpha and the ongoing development of Athena Beta, we strive to provide an enhanced trading experience and capitalize on both technical analysis and sentiment analysis to make informed trading decisions within our ecosystem.
Introducing Canis, the emerging lending protocol in the decentralized finance realm, aiming to establish its position alongside industry leaders like AAVE, Comp, and MKR within the Shibarium ecosystem. Canis is a non-custodial contract-based mechanism designed to provide safe and effective liquidity while fostering growth in the DeFi sector on Shibarium.
By supporting the development of new chains and contributing to the supply reduction of Shib ecosystem tokens, Canis offers NFAI holders a source of yield that remains price agnostic, serving as a significant hedge on Athena. Embrace the opportunity to diversify your investment strategy and contribute to the growth of the DeFi sector within the Shibarium ecosystem through Canis.
Our lending protocol designed to accelerate the Shibarium ecosystem and empower the community to invest in Layer 2 projects.Learn More
Our insurance protocol designed to protect the Shibarium ecosystem and empower the community to invest in Layer 2 projects.Learn More
Experience the security and peace of mind provided by our Definsurance wing, safeguarding NFAI holders in the volatile cryptocurrency world plagued by scams and hacks.
Through the establishment of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), Hecate empowers users to submit claims, ensuring protection against hacks and rug pulls. This fosters confidence in risk-taking within the micro-cap market, bolstering the trust of NFAI holders.
While detailed claim criteria will be outlined in our upcoming whitepaper, it's important to note that Hecate's "Degen Insurance" is funded by the revenues generated from our strategic business units, Canis and Athena.
Join NFA Labs today and embrace the pioneering Definsurance solutions offered by Hecate, securing your NFAI holdings with confidence and peace of mind.
Σxplore how these pillars
benefit $NFAi holders here.